(PDF) Summons, Prophecies, Possession and Madness: Intersections of Law and Magic in Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
PDF | On Jan 24, 2016, Roxanne Barbara Doerr published Summons, Prophecies, Possession and Madness: Intersections of Law and Magic in Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell | Find, read and cite all the re
(PDF) Proof that the Ether exists and that the speed of light is anisotropic
PDF | The null result of the Michelson Morley interferometer experiment in 1887 has been widely regarded as proof that the aether does not exist, and... | Find, read and cite all the research you need
(PDF) Magnetic dipole field observations with the ferrolens (Ferrocell) of the direct homogeneous N-S field of two attracting magnets
PDF | An experiment was carried out to demonstrate the capabilities of the ferrolens as a quantum magnetic flux viewer real-time physical device and... | Find, read and cite all the research you need
The Weak Nuclear Force: Through the looking glass
Of all of the known subatomic forces, the weak force is in many ways unique. One particularly interesting facet is that the force differentiates between a particle that is rotating clockwise and counterclockwise. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln describes this unusual property and introduces some of the historical figures who played a role in working it all out.
Сибирь, Западный Саян. Охотник и видеограф-любитель Сергей отправляется в глухую горную тайгу на промысел, всю ночь в засаде караулить дикого зверя. Решив создать об этом документальный фильм, он при... View MoreСибирь, Западный Саян. Охотник и видеограф-любитель Сергей отправляется в глухую горную тайгу на промысел, всю ночь в засаде караулить дикого зверя. Решив создать об этом документальный фильм, он приготовил видеокамеру и фонарь. Однако событие, которое предстоит пережить охотнику среди непроглядной темноты дремучего леса, надолго останется в его памяти!
Siberia, Western Sayan. Hunter and amateur videographer Sergey goes to the remote mountain taiga to hunt, watch the wild beast in ambush all night. Deciding to make a documentary about this, he prepared a video camera and a flashlight. However, the event that the hunter has to experience in the impenetrable darkness of a dense forest will remain in his memory for a long time!
Фильм "Хозяева"-The film "Hosts"
Сибирь, Западный Саян. Охотник и видеограф-любитель Сергей отправляется в глухую горную тайгу на промысел, всю ночь в засаде караулить дикого зверя. Решив создать об этом документальный фильм, он приготовил видеокамеру и фонарь. Однако событие, которое предстоит пережить охотнику среди непроглядной темноты дремучего леса, надолго останется в его памяти!
Siberia, Western Sayan. Hunter and amateur videographer Sergey goes to the remote mountain taiga to hunt, watch the wild beast in ambush all night. Deciding to make a documentary about this, he prepared a video camera and a flashlight. However, the event that the hunter has to experience in the impenetrable darkness of a dense forest will remain in his memory for a long time!
Man Claims Female Bigfoot forced him to do it with her, Female Saquatch forced me, I didn't want to
by Peter Caine Dog Training
Female Bigfoot forced me to do it
Man Claims Female Bigfoot forced him to do it with her, Female Saquatch forced me, I didn't want to
by Peter Caine Dog Training
A fairly edifying video from Cohl Furey and MJ Hughes.
Division algebraic symmetry breaking
Twitter: @CohlFurey
Did you know that the Spin(10) model, Pati-Salam, Left-Right symmetric, and the Standard model + B-L (both pre- and post-Higgs mechanism) are connected via a cascade of complex structures? These can be shown to relate to the octonions, then the quaternions, then the complex numbers.
Recently, a number of other researchers have been confirming similar results. For further detail, please see the introduction of this talk.
This is work together with my collaborator Dr Mia Hughes (Imperial College string theory). In our second upcoming paper, Mia further went on to show the first example I am aware of where a Yukawa coupling is described using quaternionic triality.
Here's our recent talk at Perimeter Institute in case you're curious.
(In upcoming work we show how to deal algebraically with the lingering B-L symmetry.)
Self-Assembling Wires
An exploration of a fascinating self-organizing system.
Created by the Stanford Complexity Group
The Most Unsettling U.F.O. Theory?
In June, investigative reporter Tim McMillan told The Basement Office host Steven Greenstreet a source inside the intel/aerospace world claimed UFOs "weren’t...
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