User Data and Privacy –
Even though we try our best not to collect personal data on our users, some information is collected in order for you to be able to login to our website and post content. Some users and some of our critics have raised valid concerns as to what data we are collecting and what we are doing with that. To improve in transparency we wanted to discuss some of those questions here.
Q: What type of data is collected by the Indras Web system?
A: Indras Web stores user’s data on our site. Our site is encrypted by SSL. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is an industry-standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers. In addition, Indras Web Scripts also stores the info of the session. It includes the login history with info on the browser, device, IP address, action, and timestamp. This applies on top of all data that a user-entered manually to Indras Web by its users into the site.
Q: How do you collect my data and where is it stored?
A: The data that you provide us is located in a database with the company that we host with. Only one individual has access to that data. That information stays on the server and is only accessed for technical issues that may occur if an error in the database occurs. There is also a backup of that data which is collected every 24 hours. Your data stays on that server until you decide that it should be removed. Our app and our website is GDRP compliant and allows our users to delete in full all data on their profile at any time. The collection of this form of data is typical for any website such as a forum or any other site that has personal posts, blogs, etc. Without the collection of this data, we would be unable to allow you to comment or post.
Q: Do you use my data to advertise to me or sell my information?
A: Indras Web does not advertise to its users through the network or outside of the network based on data collected in the network. The main site at IndrasWeb.org does collect user data to remarket to those users to join Indras Web. We do not use that data to sell you additional products or services outside of Indras Web. We do not display ads from outside services or products to you while in Indras Web or on the mobile app. We do not allow for marketing outside of the Merchant area in Indras Web. We do not sell your personal information or give your information away. We also do not have any possible way to build a profile around each user to determine their interests desires or needs to market to the individual.
Q: Does Google or Facebook collect my data from your site?
A: We specifically restrict Facebook from collecting data from our users in the Indras Web Network area. We do however promote our website to Facebook users which collects data due to how Facebook’s advertisement system works. This means that on www.indrasweb.org Facebook’s pixel system is implemented, but once you use our network at www.indrasweb.org/social your data is not collected. Google systems are used by our website due to fonts, and data that is sent to each user through their browser. Unfortunately, there is no way to get around this based on how our system operates and how typical websites operate.
We do not collect analytical data on our users once they login to our system. We also use Google Firebase systems to transmit information to our users through the mobile app and for our messaging system. If you are using Google Play to use our app your data is submitted through google systems as well as Apple if you use iTunes. For having an app on their networks there is no possible way to get around this.
Q: What is GDPR?
A: GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation is EU’s new privacy law which came to effect recently on 25th May 2018 to replace the 1995 Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC).
It aims to give control back to any individual in the EU over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international businesses.
Q: What are my rights to access my data?
A: Indras Web allows users to access, view, and edit their personal information upon login. You can access this section for viewing and updating by selecting on profile > Account Settings.
This personal information that a site collects varies from site to site. They can define custom fields to collect additional data. However, as a default requirement, Indras Web saves user information such as the Full name, Email, Password, Language, Timezone, and Currency.
Q: Do I have the right to erasure/right to be forgotten?
A: In Indras Web, any user can choose to cancel their account. It can be easily accessed by selecting Cancel Account in the Account Settings section.
A user can use the option to delete all their data by canceling an account. It includes personal information in the user’s profile, posts, comments, photos, music, video, tags… The user might need to fill out the form to provide some information before processing on to account deletion.
Q: Do I have the right to data portability?
A: Yes, you have the right to export and receive all of their personal data in a machine-readable format.
Therefore, a user can now generate a customizable export of data with this new build 3 functionality. You can access this feature by selecting Download a Copy of your Data in the Account Settings section.
Users can choose which data they wish to export from the next page
A zip file will be downloaded which includes all data entities you select to export before in JSON format.
Overall Goal
Our overall goal is to provide our users with the safe experience they can have while using our systems. With any use of electronic systems or data, there is a level of risk that each user takes when they log on to a system and post their private data. That data in one form or another is collected. Indras Web is as safe to use as any other internet forum that millions of people use daily to share and exchange information. This means each user should protect themselves by not providing information that they desire others to know about them. We do not require our users to provide us anything besides their email, username, and IP address when registering so that we can log who that user is. You can use a VPN, fake email address, fake name when registering and we would have no way of proving that you are in fact who you say you are. That is not our goal. Our goal is to make it so you have a safe place to discuss things that you are passionate about.
Though what we have provided as transparency is well beyond what other forums, as well as networks, have provided their users, we understand that we have room to improve on our transparency. We will continue to update this article as well as our privacy policy and terms of service to ensure that our users are well informed of the technical data that is collected or shared with others as they use the site. We are again not here to maliciously use our user’s data. We are also fully aware of the type of data that is being collected by large corporations on the internet, such as Facebooks Like icons, voice systems such as Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft Cortana, and so on. It is for that reason that we do not include those items inside our network so that we can protect our users as best as possible. If there is a security breach or error in our system that is noticed, we will fix it. If it is something that is essential to the operation of our system we will make sure our users are informed of the issue.
If you don’t feel that we have fully answered your questions or you would like to know more you can email us directly by clicking on our contact us page and ask specifically what type of data you are wanted to know about or system and we will respond. We also will be updating our users shortly as well as this article with our technical data for the mobile application.
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