Laird Scranton
on July 31, 2020
For the Dogon, this dynamic of energy is central to the processes of material creation. Scientifically, the inner circle is a representation of spinning energy, circulating around a central point (angular momentum). As the energy spins, it creates resonance and resistance, which evokes seven vectors of energy (angular inertia) perpendicular to the plane in which the energy spins. The Dogon ascribe these actions to a character named Ogo, who plays the role of light in the Dogon myths, and whose actions are responsible for the creation of the material universe. Ogo corresponds to an ancient Egyptian god of light named Aakhu. In Dogon terms, "As for the birth process itself, it is said that the cord of Ogo's placenta was linked to the egg and that Ogo, whose head was at the bottom...turned around like a child, so that he could get out. He descended in seven phases or periods into the empty space, still linked to his placenta, which was turning around itself."
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Laird Scranton
This is the same symbolism that, as I understand things, defines the Hindu elephant god Ganesha. Ogo's "head" (the centerpoint of the spinning energy) is "cut off" and replaced with a new conceptual head, defined by two of the vectors of energy. The Dogon representation is explicit. https://www.amaz... View More
July 31, 2020
Interesting stuff, thank you for sharing.
July 31, 2020