was captain kangaroo a jerk

:( So many people I like turn out to be awful. Oh Christ, another italics fail. For the younger people, Elizabeth Montgomery's father was a superstar in the '30s. Laurence Olivier - could be a nightmare, but mellowed considerably. R455, I have never, ever, ever liked John Cusack. The country was ruled by oligarchs and crooks. Vastly inflated sense of her own importance. But I don't know her personally, so what do I know. Don't the Hanks-WIlson's have a guest room Tom can sleep it off in? However, his injury occurred during the battle for Saipan in June 1944. That's not surprising about Sarandon. That Sgt. That's because according to one of the Tabithas she was trying to convert them. He was not pleasant at all and yes, seemed to be a rageaholic. She did have a thing for older men, but that's pretty understandable given her domineering and very competitive famous father. Details please, R37. Go to Perez or Just Jared if you want to be spoon fed celebrity BS via publicists. It takes a lot to get up in from of thousands to perform. Celebs are insane. It's just a socially awkward situation. Maybe he kept one of her molars on a key chain. She had a PA that was provided for hire by the hotel and was not a PA that travelled with her. WebCaptain Kangaroo. [R293] David Cassidy, years ago, was involved in some Broadway show that he ended up being fired from before it opened. And Senators Jim DeMint, Jim Imhofe, Chuck Grassley, Mitch McConnell & Tom Coburn are incredibly hateful and dangerous schmucks who literally think they are Gods. How lovely we have a nazi on DL. Kid Songs / Robert Cleary / Bob Keeshan / Morey Amsterdam / Art Carney [Sony] Lying Roman-spy thug. I thought Fishburne was well liked. Bill had her canned after a disastrous week of rehearsals for the pilot. I hid my disgust while Uncle Ben swung his double-fisted flaccid junk in a circle singing "helicopter, helicopter, helicopter" whatever that's suppose to mean. I can't believe I hadn't heard of it until just recently. I wish people would say things they know, instead of assuming things based on your personal dislikes or impressions you get from looking at a photograph. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Knew someone who did construction work at Julie Andrews' house who claims she was a huge, snotty bitch. Yeah, I was surprised, too, I remember an interview from years ago, in which one of the producers or writers on MASH the tv series said that the cast -- except for Larry Linville -- were obnoxious. So, I wonder about David Nivin, because his first wife fell down the basement steps at Tyrone Powers and died. But too many people had the "loved him, hated her" stories when she was with Tim Robbins. for your pointless bitchery needs. R83 is correct Joy is a total bitch and is a knowitall who really does not like GLBT people at all. There's nothing notable here. She and Phil live on FIFTH Avenue. I worked as security Mgr in a concert venue in Baltimore in the late 80's.. My mother was on American Bandstand in the late 50's a couple of times. It's fucking ridiculous is what it is! I once bumped into Sean Connery in the street (literally, walked round a corner and bumped into him) and he was so nice about it, he apologised to me for being in the way and it was entirely my fault. Did not like Jackie Trent, Tony's songwriting partner (who actually wWrote hits for her) AT ALL. Made to wear lederhosen well into their 30's and miserable. Anyway, I asked her if she would like a beverage and she wouldn't look at me and her assistant spoke for her. Obviously pussy-whipped. I had the 2 seater station cargo van. He claimed it counterbalanced the large portion of our lives we walked the other way around. Mr. Rogers ran an opium den, complete with Chinese whores & Thai ladyboys. Apparently Ellen is a nasty lush off-screen, prone to rages at those who work on the show and often in a foul mood. One of my close friends had a bad run-in with Andy Williams back in the 1970s or early 80s. That might explain any neurosis or mood swings on her part although I do believe that she had a ferocious temper when she was sick. Dick York was notoriously mute on the subject of his Bewitched years except to once say that the atmosphere on set was horrible. Mooreheads biographers (such as they are) confirm this with stories about her being forced to go to work at times when she was sick and threatened with being suspended or fired if she didnt. You're forcing me to tell my well-worn Tom Hanks story again. And I know posters here are on to her but I think most of her viewers still think of Ellen Degeneres as the new queen of nice - like Rosie O'Donnell before everyone found out what a fake persona she'd been putting on for years. Dennis Millar (comedian/actor) wouldn't even show up for work if he wasn't in the mood. Waller, the unknown talent show wannabe, turned up with an entourage of about 20, making demands about everything, the water was wrong, he needed Manuka honey, he didn't like the car they'd sent Bowie turned up with one PA, was as nice as could be to everyone, asked for a cup of coffee. He has a short beard, black eyeglasses, some gray hair and he's wearing a big blue parka, plaid shirt and worn jeans. Finally my friend had her boss speak with Karen, and her boss told her to get out of the hotel. That always shuts 'em up! @420 zachary does have a douche face. It's a racist power trip. r91 Imagine a white star made such demands and behaved that way only with white people. Josh Charles, Matt Czuchry, Christine Baranski, Archie Panjabi, Alan Cumming? James Franciscus can look like a young Charlton Heston, so with Cheston there's narcissism as well R451. Ron Howard used to bring his wife and children every year to visit her and you never saw her without her having gotten a letter or a phone call from one of them. He seemed like a pretty cool guy the few times I met him. She talked like we were old HS friends, like she does on the show. He actually had the entire wardrobe dept. Beat his four sons with a studded belt until it drew blood (two of his sons comitted suicide by blowing their brains out). SOmetimes I'm tired and don't want to chat, but if someone looks me in the eyes, I'm more or less obliged to speak to them. WebCaptain Kangaroo (19551992) Captain Kangaroo was an American children's television series that aired weekday mornings on the American television network CBS from October 3, 1955, until December 8, 1984, making it the longest-running nationally broadcast children's television program of its day. I think she did become very sour in her later years when her looks had gone and she was suffering from cancer so badly. She fell hard and hurt her back. He was vague and unfocussed, but she was downright sour, an embittered old rag who'd turn on anyone who addressed her. She did not pick up on the irony. I caught Axle Rose pissing on the wall and carpet in the hallway outside his dressing room. Lauren Holly would sleep with anyone for status. Actor Lee Marvin fought in the Pacific theater during World War II, received a Purple Heart, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. very nice & friendly. "I worked on THE CAPTION KANGAROO SHOW for 5 years. Definitely not a "pretty woman" on the plane. Another little known fact about Montgomery is that she had problems with alcohol off and on for a good part of her adult life. A bit of purported dialog purportedly taken from a Tonight Show appearance by actor Lee Marvin with host Johnny Carson holds that Marvin and Bob Keeshan, the latter to become famous as long-time children's television host Captain Kangaroo, were World War II veterans who fought together at the battle for Iwo Jima in the Pacific theater. Easily the worst. I can only hope that it all goes arse over tit and we are all treated to a highly entertaining Tammy and Melissa mudslinging match when the smokescreem finally gets ripped down from my friends who have worked in films and other parts of the business: Bill Cosby - despite all his humanitarianism, he's awful, and a big cheater and a letch. I was told that when he was in the Senate, John Edwards was phony and rude. And the people she had fired were BLACK. He came outside, looked at me and stopped dead in his tracks. The host was a gentle man whose jacket had large pockets much like a kangaroo. Love his sister, though. Plus he died an absolutely horrible death. I agree with the poster who said Venus Williams. Then I realized it was Tom Hanks and that's why they were taking photos. I can see having e-mail at work, but why Internet unless you are some sort of researcher? [quote] On the other hand Serena, who's generally considered to be tough as nails, is very friendly and down to earth in real life.

[quote]Celebs are insane. Unfailingly nice, kind, and thoughtful and polite to most people but can be a real control freak to people on his payroll. and some of it got on him. I've always been fascinating by the real Marlo Thomas who by all reports I've ever read for years describe her as a horrid person. Maybe Debbie was broken by months of constant abuse from Keeshan. $31.49. Look around and see if you can find one of those heroes in your midst. WebTom Terrific is a 19571959 animated series on American television, presented as part of the Captain Kangaroo children's television show.. gaetz thinks paramus Yes, R346, by Erin Murphy's account she read them Bible stories. Esai Morales has just about every extra into his trailer. Thanks, R320. Ask flight attendants about Oprah. He made the player seem heartless, but it sounded to me like this kid just had a pushy, entitled parent. Getting back to other stars mentioned here in the past on DL, have there been ANY good stories about Mike Myers? I'll leave it at that. Cunt. If anyone else here talks fucknuts shit about me, I'll have them taken care of, you pricks! To threaten her with suspension or even worse, firing, shows a level of stupidity and insensitivity thats almost sadistic. Every single person on the set that day was mortified that she would be so openly a nasty harridan. Marlo Thomas has always been a cunt. It requires experience working with it. So the Republicans are actually right on this one? He didn't rehearse. Susan Lucci was not at all pleased at the focus Lauren's character was getting. Come back, ex-filmie! LP Album:Captain Kangaroo With Orchestra And Chorus, Harmony/ Columbia Records. She has plenty of power over hair, makeup, and wardrobe people, you ninny! And to keep my own advice on sticking to the thread's theme, he said Charlton Heston was a creep and a closet case. And, for better or worse, he has been representing human, mainstream America since the 1980s. It was disruptive to the whole table. Reynolds? 1960 Press Photo "Captain Kangaroo" (Bob Keeshan) shown on his television show. I don't remember this at all, but my mother (who watched the taping) said that during breaks, as well as before and after the show, Scott refused to even acknowledge us kiddies except to reprimand. She's MTM, yet she wants to be addressed as ' Mrs. Levine' (her husband is Robert Levine). At the time, I very much looked like a hippie. Numerous rumors about children's television host Fred Rogers having a violent, criminal, or military background have been bandied about for years, but there is nothing to any of them. It would be easier to state the few exceptions OP. Lucile Ball was fun on TV, but on Delta she threw her coffee at a flight attendant and screamed, "Ya call this HOT?". i find it hard to believe that ellen would allow portia to cheat on her. I wish Lou the Stew would have told "Ms Thomas"."yeah, i told the Captain and he doesn't give a fuck who you are, or what you said". Sweet, kind, funny - a gentleman and a gentle man. It was when he was doing the play "Into The Woods" at Central Park last summer (2012). "Sophistic bullshit" is an example of sophistic bullshit. He is so cute up close, beautiful green eyes. WebThe show ended in 1965 because of lack of popularity and a lot of the cast members joined Captain Kangaroo. I didn't interact much with Czurchy unfortunatly! Free shipping. Ten years and he didn't leave that show with a single friend. You should try it." [quote]Lauren dated out-lesbian Ingrid Casares in the 90's, and didn't make much of a secret of it. Bob Keeshan starred as Captain Kangaroo & at age 29 he dyed his hair gray to appear more "grandfatherly". Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. R62 -- Do you know if it was a scandal when Bing married Catherine Grant?

He's devoted to his family. Maybe he was different on-set. Horrible little woman, you would think she was the Queen of Romania! He doesn't like chatty, overly familiar people, but likes to take the initiative. She (the gf) found boxes and boxes of laxatives. So, Elizabeth Montgomery was a full-blown human being rather than a saint. Enough! sort of like a gym teacher or that loud uncle at the party who likes to tell jokes. I want to hear more about Richard Carpenter being gay. Are they not getting paid? Oh, here's another one. Alan Cummings. Ex-Filmie, why would D Hopper give his gf 10,000 in cash? What an ego! I'm not defending Cosby (There's way too many stories about his asshole behavior) but Rashad is one of the few who adores him and has never badmouthed him. There are very few union dressers and hair people who are black in NYC, and most of them ware already working on LION KING. I cosign on Bonnie Hunt know people that worked on her sitcom. In order to keep his name out of the press, and not be sued by my friend, Chase settled out of court. Models, and entertainers have been complaining for YEARS about their frustration with clueless white people fucking up their hair and skin with products meant for white people. Let me think: indecisive, has to have it her way even if she's very wrong, her instincts as a director are off, off, off! Zachary Quinto. For one thing Ellen is not an ugly old hag, she looks quite good for her age. Johnny Carson was a miserable alcoholic with a nasty temper. Not that I couldn't put it past her or thought she was a splendid human being based on the persona from her TV roles and liberal activism. He's also witty and intelligent -- certainly more intelligent than to make up stories about a man who's been a multimillionaire since the 1980s sleeping on a couch. No R175, not Charlize! captain kangaroo book coloring She said Christopher Guest was also awful to the point where it seemed he had a personality disorder -- and that Joe Flaherty or Eugene Levy (can't remember which) seemed to realize how bad it was and went out of his way to be jovial, pleasant, and act as sort of a buffer when Guest was around. She called me over and demands, "did you tell the goddamn captain who I am and what I said?". R344, they wanted to read his Will before sundown and the bars closed. . From everything I've seen and heard, she's universally well-liked. He appeared in a movie with Henry Fonda, who he said was professional and aloof, even though they had several intense scenes together. Cosby took one look at me, lit his fat cigar and then proceeded to spend the next half hour explaining how much he hated hippies. "I have to tell them it's a nice story, but it didn't happen," said Green, who served as a historical adviser for the movie Pearl Harbor. Rita is basically his minder/ therapist/ mommy. I used to work at at television talk show, and would escort the guests to and from their dressing rooms, and had nothing to do with their cars. In a 1997 interview, Keeshan explained that he "enlisted in the U.S. Marines but saw no combat" because he signed up "just before we dropped the atom bomb.". When I asked her "who may I say is calling?" [quote]hat are the other cast members like? Summary of eRumor: The message says that Lee Marvin appeared on the Tonight Show in the 70s when host Johnny Carson brought up Marvins record in the Marines. You can just imagine some half listening dimwit going off to buy plums and not LISTENING. She said that the only person who was nice off-camera was Elizabeth. There was a unpleasant vibe about her that I've decided to attribute to her capitalistic Dutch genes. You worked on Good Wife? I'm sure Ellen can be a bitch like anyone, but I don't believe the stories about her being completely opposite from her public image. One more thing. Also, regarding the kids, Elizabeth's daughter and the Tabitha shared a birthday and Elizabeth always gave them a party together.

R327 Doesn't surprise me about Agnes Moorehead's concern for the children. Many, many people rejoiced when he had that stroke. And I also don't assume that she and Portia are only together to be a power couple. If the crew doesn't do their job, then the actor can't do his or her job. And Moorehead was a religious nut and very strange. One of Karen's girlfriends - they one she moved in with when her marriage to the guy who was using her financially was breaking up - said that Karen was a major abuser of laxatives and that she would use syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting. So I guess we weren't the only airline that didn't love Lucy. I met her a million years ago and she couldn't have been nicer. Elizabeth Montgomery wasn't always the squeaky clean "great gal" she's often credited as being. There was a whole thread on her shenanigans a few months back. The supporting actors, Floyd, Howard, Goober, Ron Howard all kept up with Bauvier when she retired. I don't mean once, I mean in every post multiple times. quote]I have a friend who's been on The View a few times. I have heard the rumors about both him and Karen being gay, and both of them ping to high heaven to me but more concrete stories/evidence would be much appreciated. kangaroo bring My friend never said Faye Dunaway was rude.

Any examples or her bad behavior? In case anyone is wondering, I got a bagel and a half, a Danish, and some grapes. They earned our respect and the freedoms that we all enjoy. He was a piece of shit. Pete Sampras was widely hated and was a complete piece of crap treating anyone and everyone like shit. When he did MASH, he flew home every week to spend his off days with his wife and daughters. And there was a war with neighbors along the borders. With Karen, they talked so much about the anorexia and the damage it can do to muscles -- including the cardiac muscle -- but her autopsy said her heart looked fine. Ha, the thing that makes me LOL at that post is that when I was a kid, way too young to watch or really know anything about "L.A. Law" except that it was big hit show that adults loved, I saw Susan Ruttan as a square on Hollywood Squares. I've also heard how hideous she is elsewhere. He told me he had to go.. Biggest cunt was one hit wonder Alannah Myles (Black Velvet). -His father's murder is rumored to have been a message to Jordan, tied to gambling debts. Cesar Milan appeared on a local Toronto chat show that has seen it's share of many big name stars. I think he may check in when he rides in the city so Hugo knows he wasn't killed in the crazy traffic. What is wrong with you people that you don't get that the couch was in their bedroom? R114. Yeah, Lucille Ball developed a drinking problem later in her life. Cosby sat on a folding chair on the lawn while 5 students gathered around him in a circle.

Franciscus, however, was very nice. R259, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. [R180] I have no idea, but my friend was an assistant manager at the Sheraton in Boston (this is going back YEARS obviously), and finally it got so bad that Karen went to the manager, who told her to get out of the hotel. [quote]Jessica Alba is the supreme BITCH of all time. A couple months later received a larger envelope at my radio station, inside was his first team photo and signed it "To (my name) thanks for all your support". These are the kind of people we would've avoided like the plague at school. I think the only people who'd believe it would be people who've worked in the industry. I was astonished to learn that "Debbie" the adorable young woman who appeared on Captain Kangaroo in the mid-seventies killed herself at age 27 by jumping out of a 16th floor window way back in 1978 shortly after she left the series. Despite the fact that we had recorded other more famous celebs at that facility. Later, he went on television with his own show. Bob Keeshan, later famous as television's "Captain Kangaroo," also enlisted in the U.S. Marines, but he did so too late to see any action during World War II. our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn People who have good self-esteem, stable personalities, strong moral values, and are capable of mutually rewarding and enduring relationships generally wouldn't want to put themselves through all that crap.

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