how old was hayley marshall when she died

Hayley assassins Kara Nguyen and kills 11 other witches as result of being witnesses. Klaus shows up and puts the salesman in a choke hold, threatening Dahlia to show herself. She and Oliver hiding behind a crypt, until Aiden tells them to come out. In Tangled Up In Blue, Hayley asks Klaus and Rebekah what is the plan to overtake Marcel. After the storm spell is broken, all of them are walking across the river and Hayley says to Jackson that he can tell the others to go and they'll be fine. Hayley threatens her and walks right through her spirit. Cause of death Jackson is mad at her because she will always stand by the Mikaelsons despite the crimes they have committed. He then says it's why he loves her and she tells him that she loves him too. Elijah asks for a moment alone with Hayley where he then explains his family's past; how they were turned into vampires and Klaus turned out to be a Hybrid. She then comes across a campfire with dead bodies surrounding it. She tells him that Lucien's venom is derived from the seven original wolf bloodlines that she and Klaus are descended from. She has become stronger and more reliable, especially to her fellow werewolves. In A Streetcar Named Desire, Hayley calls Elijah that the Crescent wolves found Aurora's trailer. Rebekah says "us girls have to look out for each other". Klaus and Hayley argue over whether she should tell Jackson the truth about Hope. Born Carole Penny Marshall, the actress and director died at 75 while at her home in the Hollywood Hills on December 17. 5'7.5" (Feet)1.72 (Meters) Hayley is seated on a bench, dropping a few drops of wolfsbane into her tea and she encourages herself to drink it, "One upset stomach and all this stupid drama is ancient history". He knows that Elijah's soul is in her talisman and begs for Freya to bring him back. When Hayley is helping Adrian break the sire bond, Kimberley interferes and frees him before they finish. Jackson tells her that New Orleans was their city until the vampires took it from them and if their families would have been together they would have won the city back. Hayley disagrees at first since some secrets shouldn't be said, but Jackson reassures her and she agrees. She owes Hayley's some respect. Haley had her first kiss when she was eleven. Hayley heads back to her apartment finding Jackson was waiting for her, however, she was too late. Elijah intervenes and is about to kill Oliver when Hayley steps in and says that he should go ahead and kill Oliver. In The Big Uneasy, Hayley is freaked out by a large number of werewolves that have come to witness her miracle pregnancy. He grabs her and holds her against a tree. She follows Jackson and asks him if he's going to a speech and drink all day, and talks about how they should get the wolves back together and wrote everything Ansel said about being a wolf. She then leaves and while Finn is looking away, Cami is gone again. He told Elijah that Davina was needed to power a weapon that Tristan planned to use against the Mikaelsons. Hayley asks why he has been avoiding her so it takes some supernatural threat to make him see her. Hayley's physical strength was seemingly unusually strong even for a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid. She tells him not to worry. country concerts 2022 upstate new york; gdol account number w2; are jim costa and robert costa brothers Tristan on the other hand is thrown at the bottom of the ocean for eternity with Camille's help. She then tells Klaus that Hope wants to see him. There was fighting among the wolves and somebody turned on them. In Alone with Everybody, she walks out of a gas station with a bag full of supplies and tells Klaus they need to blend in. Hayley agrees and goes to talk to Hope about the plan. Hayley and Freya start to fight Aurora, however as Freya suggests that Hayley bites her, Aurora states that Klaus would heal her right back up. After they set up camp, Hayley and Jackson talk about where to go as she doesn't want to keep on running, and she says she loves him. Hayley is told that she's a Mikaelson and is one of them, but Hayley doesn't want to be linked to a bunch of homicidal lunatics. Klaus tells her that this is who they are. But they are shot in the chest and at her awakening Rebekah can't find Hayley. Hope won't back down. At at the Abattoir, Hope and Alaric talk and Hayley joins them by bringing Hope some cookies. Werewolf (Triggered/Originally)Hybrid (Werewolf, Vampire; Formerly) (Hope's bloodline)Vampire (Hope's bloodline)Spirit (Currently) Hayley excuses herself to join Tyler and Dean's argument about whether Dean should obey Klaus' order to deal with Connor or not. While Klaus goes to find Agnes, Elijah manages to keep her temperature down by holding her against him in the swimming pool as Sophie makes a potion and gives it to Hayley until Davina unlinks them and the effects of the needle cease, saving Hayley of losing her child. She is happy when Rebekah revives an ancient Mikaelson tradition, as it will be Hope's first bonfire season. Hope comes and saves her dad, shocking both Elijah and Hayley. After Josephine says that Elijah is the one who needs them, Hayley appears behind her and Josephine grabs her wrists. Hayley and Freya see The Hollow in her real form. She then says that New Orleans is filled with vampires who hate the Mikaelson Family and they need to move quickly with a plan. She calls Klaus and both look for her. He then questioned Shen on what he knew, compelling the answers out of him. She tells him that he has to forgive Elijah and he before he walks away from her, he tells her she sounds like Cami.
Please go to here for color coding. She asks him if he's worried about Marcel and he tells her he can suffer. Fearing for her daughter's safety Hayley suggests that her daughter be sent away while her family cleans up the mess they have made. Freya says to Hayley and Klaus that she felt him but all she felt was pain and suffering. Hayley is nervous and asks Freya if she is capable of getting Elijah back. In The River in Reverse, Hayley is seen to be taking care of a sick Elijah, who was bitten by Klaus in the previous episode.

She tells him he chose him and married him. The Harvest Girls tells Klaus and Hayley they need their blood to connect them to the Ancestors, that their blood will link them via Hope. She tells Elijah that she doesn't need a caretaker, as "hybrids are invincible", despite being the one responsible for arranging Klaus' massacre of twelve hybrids. Hayley goes to the compound and tells Klaus they need to talk. Marcel tells her that he bought her life with that heart. Hayley eventually wakes up and demands to know where Hope went. He tells her that his family are all monsters and they've committed countless crimes in their past and present. At Lucien's penthouse, they begin to search for the antidote, but can't find it. After the Hollow leaves, Hayley, Elijah, and Marcel talk. Hayley realizing it's not Jackson fights back. She confronts him about why he kept the journal from her and read somewhere there is a unification ceremony that bestowed certain abilities onto every member of the pack, and if he believes it. She breaks free from her chains and tries to figure out a way to get out of there. Hayley tells her this place is where the pack would go to accept what they've done and honor the dead in order to move on. She is the mother of Hope, the miracle child conceived by her and Klaus Mikealson. 85 (TO)8 (TVD)93 (totaled) After Hayley gets Keelin's venom she takes a needle with the cure in it and stabs Freya with it. Freya argues with her, but before anything is else said, Elijah appears. As Cami distracts Aurora, Hayley comes up to the apartment and tackles her, plunging her hand in Aurora's chest while Aurora does the same to her. A battle begins to save the baby, Hayley tries to save her baby and she attacks Genevieve in the process. The Hollow uses her magic to lift Hayley off of the ground and snaps her neck. She tells him to show Jackson some respect and that he's fighting for Hope, but Klaus disagrees and doesn't trust him to which he leaves Hayley to consider her options. While Hayley and Hope are in the infirmary, she begins notice vines creeping up outside and inside walls of the building and then blood-red flowers bloom, which she realizes are dahlias and tells the wolves that she knows they are at the building. In A Closer Walk With Thee, while she was investigating about Francesca Guerrera's involvement in the Bayou attack Hayley was hexed by Monique who wanted to kill her child. She tells Rebekah what she saw in his mind and it scares her but and at the same time she's okay with it. And Hayley tells him he's safer at the Abattoir. The Deveraux sisters then intended to use her to gain the Mikaelsons' help against Marcel and to also complete The Harvest and bring back their daughter and niece; Monique. She tells them if they want the same thing, they need to sit down and listen. In You Hung the Moon, Hayley agrees to what Davina her to do, but without issuing a threat to the witch. Their marriage united several wolf packs who in turn swore to protect Hope from any threats, including the threat from Hope's great aunt Dahlia. Hayley then tells Cami more of the plan and that Aiden will lure Finn to the altar, while Hayley will jump on him and put the shackles on him. With the book now destroyed they can't do a thing to help Hope and kill the Hollow. He figured out who she was after the party she had thrown for the werewolves in Crescent City. When Hope apologizes for what she had done to lead to her death, Hayley forgives her. As another werewolf, Hayley earned Tyler's trust and helped him turn over and over again until he finally broke the sire bond. Killed by She asks Klaus why he paints and in response he describes painting as a metaphor for control. When Agnes attempts to kill Hayley's child in utero, Elijah manages to keep her temperature down by holding her against him in the swimming pool until Davina unlinks them and the effects of the needle cease. Jackson says the fight with Dahlia is not theirs and it isn't Hope's either. Later on, she is proven to be pregnant with his daughter, and their relationship remains neutral although it turns negative after she falsely accuses him of using their baby's blood to create hybrids and he attempts to eliminate her werewolf kin. Later at the party Diego and Oliver fight. Jackson formulates a plan and makes Hayley choose between him and the Mikaelsons, Hayley chooses him and Hayley and Jackson try to run away with Hope to keep her safe from Dahlia. Josephine tells them that they need to put Eva down before she uses Rebekah up like the others she has used. After vampires begin attacking the compound, she saves Freya by killing two vampires and takes her away as Freya has now been poisoned. In An Unblinking Death, Hayley is doing some breathing exercises with Eve. Jackson and Oliver however think that it's a good idea. Elijah then turns to Hayley. In Voodoo in My Blood, Hayley and Klaus talk with Hope. She wants Elijah to promise her that Klaus is not the only thing she knows and that she needs him to be there for Hope. She thanks him, but he tells her she should thank Elijah, but she says she hasn't been able to get a hold of him and the same goes for Oliver. Hayley seems annoyed by this, but quickly forgives him. Later, after Damon has killed Will, Klaus offers to let Hayley stay anyway. Freya tells Hayley and Klaus that Hope's blood can be used as a weapon against The Hollow. Hayley looks at her and feels betrayed that Freya had been helping her, but Freya tells her she had no idea and Hayley shoves her, telling her to get away from Jackson. In The Casket Girls, Hayley tries on a dress and Elijah helps zip it up. When that is successful, Klaus helps raise Hayley briefly before he must leave their daughter yet again (because of the Hollow). After Jackson's death, Hayley briefly returned to the compound but has since left New Orleans with her daughter and the Mikaelsons in coffins in a sleeping spell.

However during a vampire attack she realized that she will never let anyone hurt her baby and will always protect her child, what she did numerous times (fighting against witches and Tyler Lockwood to protect her baby). Warner Brothers Television Distribution.

In Moon Over Bourbon Street, a month has passed and the werewolf curse is broken thanks to Hayley. She then talks about Hope, and how she wishes she could have really gotten to know Jackson. After they leave the abandoned home they drive to a storage unit. She was also the wife of Jackson Kenner and was the alpha of the Crescent Wolf Pack. Still in Elijah's mind Hayley is running as fast as she can in the woods, screaming for Freya. how old was hayley marshall when she died 26 Mar 2023. how old was hayley marshall when she died. Klaus asks Hayley if she knows any of Katherine's allies, and she responds teasingly that she might know a couple and she might even tell him about them. When Freya tells them she needs more time to see if Elijah's soul is in there, they all of them break down in tears. In Chasing the Devil's Tail, as Klaus tries to help Elijah, his nose begins to bleed, which makes Hayley pull him off of Elijah. Jackson has watched Hayley as a wolf for years, so he's had a lot of time to get to know her. This leads her to leave for New Orleans to investigate her origins. She notices Klaus' expression on his face and asks him what's wrong. When Elijah is alone with her he tells her that went far too easy and that she shouldn't trust any of them. Although he had told her that he lived in a trailer park in Florida, she eventually found out where he lived due to a hybrid that she knew and that he had a wealthy family. When Klaus asks what about his brother that inspires admiration, Hayley says that Elijah was kind to her. After they get through the river, they arrive at a road and a werewolf drives up with a car ready, and they load up on the truck. She tells him she is trying to get The Hollow out of Hope. south wales echo archives 1980s. Gia asks if there rescuing Elijah, but Hayley says it's Oliver. Upset about his rift with Elijah she tries to help the werewolves who don't have a place to go and hide from Davina's releasing power. In truth, Hayley was actually Klaus suggests that they fake the baby's death in order to keep the baby safe. When she kills Francesca, this seems to impact her immensely, causing her to go on a spree of tearing up Hope's nursery. Elijah goes to talk to her and expresses his disappointment in Hayley. They both head to The Compound with Hope and have a Christmas party with the Mikaelsons. Hayley was also able to stagger Klaus with her attacks more than Marcel could, a vampire of two centuries; though still no match for Klaus or any other Original, who all easily exceeds her powers and skills as shown in Fire with Fire. She then tells Mary that she can't continue to watch Hope all by herself and to teach her about Hope's magic. She cries and apologizes to him. Hayley holds her newborn daughter after having give birth. Hayley asks what it is about her and Klaus' relationship; she has noticed that they say they hate each other, yet even when they do, it is clear they still love each other. In Behind the Black Horizon, she approaches Klaus and shows him a list of 10 addresses for Kingmaker. Freya suggests that she goes bite her brother, however, she tells them that each of them has the coordinates to Rebekah's location. She was a close friend and companion of Tyler Lockwood but she later betrayed him. Unimpressed, the Hollow defeats Elijah, Marcel, and Hayley while taking her bone. While there, she met Jane-Anne and Sophie Deveraux, who detected her pregnancy. Too overwhelmed with what Vincent had to say, Hayley leaves. Hazel green In her own way she is terrified of Klaus, Hayley tries to hide this but Klaus always manages to see right through her. Hayley unlocks the chains that bound Hope and her powers. Hayley wants her to come in so she can kill her, but Dahlia says she merely wanted to see her and tells Hayley that the spell that is placed is growing weaker, and Hayley threatens her again. She then picks it up. She lunges at Eva to get away from Hope and before she can check on her, Eva telekinetically throws her back into the bedroom. Klaus arrives at the compound and Hayley tells him that she's not going to let any more wolves die. She also promised to her that she will always have a family and that when she will be born she will figure out with her mother. Hayley is soon seen walking outside and sits upon a chair next to Rebekah. Both of them move on in their own ways after Elijah forgets about Hayley. She says she's still a Crescent and is the last of the Labonair line, which makes her an alpha. As time goes by, Kol's hallucinations get worse and she tries to calm him down by saying that Davina is at peace. While the audience is informed that the baby will kill the witches in the future which puts a plan in motion to make that never happens. They then begin to make out, ripping his shirt and he pulls her shirt over her head. However, due to Hope's blood running through her mother's veins, this made Hayley a hybrid and she succeeded to kill the witches and take her baby back. Hayley eventually comes across the red door again, and though reluctant, she goes inside. Vincent tells Hayley that the Mikaelson family has to split up for eternity in order to defeat the Hollow. He is hurting her while she screams. Telling her she won't hurt her. In Bloodletting, it's revealed that it is Tyler who kidnapped Hayley because one of his witch acquaintance's nightmare about the baby and because he wants revenge. Hayley is later forced to sacrifice her life to save Hope, which ends any relationship she might have redeveloped with Elijah. However, she doesn't want to hear anything he has to say. A member tells her she's no a member anymore, and she shows her claws and gold eyes, and tells them that she is still a wolf. Hayley tells Lara her and Marcel won't hurt her, Hayley begs for help on helping Hope and stopping the Hollow. He tells her they lost Jerick, and that what Aiden did by keeping them scattered was a smart plan. She then grabs Oliver's arm and holds him against the wall and tells him since this is her pack it's her business as well. Hayley talks with Marcel at St. Anne's church, she tells him even though there has been a lot of tragedies here in New Orleans, the one good thing is that Hope was born there. Hayley heads towards the area while Jane-Anne and Sophie prepare to do a spell on her. Hayley is confused and she says they can't run from their home. ("The Kiss") Appearances. In Wild at Heart, Hayley chooses to stay at the abattoir because the ghost of her husband is Figuratively haunting her, she leaves the wooden Knight at her apartment. 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